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It’s been a while since I’ve done some meaningful, in-game TS3 “work”. Between working on LivingSims and SIMplified Living magzines, and just playing with Supernatural, plus judging the recently finished Story Contest: Hero Edition on MTS, there simply hasn’t been either the time of the motivation.

Lately, however, I’ve decided to take out the old building and design skills and take them out for a spin again, so here I am. this time, I’m working on two multi-round contests. One is fairly standard stuff for me: a 5-round design contest.  But the other… oh the other I’m really excited about!

First though, let’s back up.

The first contest is ReyaD’s “Design This!” decorating contest. Conducted in five rounds, it’s a little similar to the Design Project contest I participated in about a year ago, in September-October of 2011. We are assigned a “room” and given design assignments and requirements.

The first round was for a living room in a very odd shape, with one wall already painted (black! Of all things!) and the awful obelisk already a part of the room. We had to have some sort of entertainment (computer, tv, stereo, whatever), 5 decorative items, a rug, and seating for at least 4, all within a §10,000 budget.  I chose to go with a Victorian-Mission kind of decor. I kind of like it, though a few of the pics don’t do it the justice I think it deserves.

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Next, the project that both terrifies and excites me is a machinima contest, hosted by SeeMyu, also at MTS.  This will also be a 5-rounder, which began with an application process in which we had to introduce our cast… ALL our cast. Minimum 4 characters. I have no idea where this is going, exactly, but I came up with 4 pretty darned good looking sims, at least! At the end, I hope to have a short film that can at least be called “interesting”.  Meantime, meet the cast:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Wish me luck with both of these! I have NaNoWriMo coming too, so this should be interesting….